Office - (843) 722-2454 | Gallery - (843) 722-2425

We are glad to report that CAG has honored their commitment to Pattison’s Academy throughout the Summer and info the new school year. Typically, our artists work hand-over-hand with the students to create amazing art projects. Because the children were learning virtually, we were unable to have our workshops. However, we supplied the fabric for them to paint their favorite subjects, then gathered their pieces and made them into pillows. Because some of the children were unable to participate over the Summer, when school started we asked their teachers to provide us with a list of the children and their favorite animal or activity.

Artist, Jennifer Deject, painted the pillow tops for each child as well as about a dozen more for Pattison’s to use for fund raising. Jennifer says that this is one of the most fun things she has ever done. Jennifer studied at Disney Studios and with Charles Schultz- Snoopy creator, and is a master of creative characters. She loves working with the children and seeing their excitement. We couldn’t do our in person workshops, so we did the next best thing. Over fifty pillows were delivered to Pattison’s this year by CAG. The children, staff and parents were thrilled. They said that our workshops at their annual Summer camp is their very favorite project for the two weeks of camp.

Not only did we do the pillow project, but we plan to make note cards for Pattison’s to use in their efforts to raise funds to help educate the children. Also, just prior to COVID restrictions several of our CAG artists helped the children paint a construction dumpster. Yes, a full sized dumpster. We put paint into egg shells and helped the children splatter paint the bright orange dumpster. We recreated images from some of the Summer Camp projects- such as mermaids, octopus, fish, crabs, It was so much fun. Each child, teacher and artist added their hand print to the huge oak tree on the back of the dumpster. If you see a bright orange dumpster at a construction site, take pride in what we are doing to help these children. The dumpster company gives and donation to Pattison’s every time the dumpster is rented out. What a fun project.

For those that don’t know, Pattison’s is a charter school that serves children (ages 3-18) that have severe and multiple disabilities. The children make so much progress in this program. Things we take for granted are part of their studies. It is amazing to see the progress these children make year over year. Enjoy images of some of their creations from this year. We hope to post more on our website. Check us out.

Stay tuned, hopefully, we will be able to do in person workshops during Summer Camp this year.

Just a few of the creative pillows delivered to Pattison’s this year by y CAG
